Authors / Amber Fugedi

Amber Fugedi

Director of Digital Marketing

Amber is a seasoned marketing professional with over 8 years of experience, currently leading digital marketing strategy at PERQ. She specializes in crafting impactful digital campaigns with a focus on demand generation, content marketing, and PPC. Amber is passionate about connecting with fellow marketing friends to collaborate and share insights. Outside of work, she stays active through her love for fitness, fostering dogs, and competing in fantasy football leagues. Amber lives in Connecticut with her dog and frequently gets to enjoy New Haven pizza.



What’s Customer Lifecycle Marketing Automation Really All About?

There’s a difference… Do you know what it is? What makes lifecycle marketing automation different from marketing automation? Are there any determining factors that make one a better candidate than the other?   Can lifecycle marketing work for B2C companies? More specifically, can they work for your automotive dealership? Organizations of all sizes ask these questions to determine how to appropriately use this within their business models. So here it is, the truth about lifecycle marketing automation. Read More

Amber Fugedi By Amber FugediMultifamily Market Insights


Increasing Qualified Leads with Customer Lifecycle Marketing

Managing customer relationships. Tracking opportunities. Repeat and referral business. Sound familiar? These are just a few of the benefits a CRM system brings to a dealership. While these are important to salespeople and managers alike, they miss the mark when it comes to the front end of the customer relationship – when they are in the lead stage. CRM is a great solution for lead tracking, but it does little to convert leads into customers. To do this, dealers need to come up with effective outreach strategies for converting them into a paying customer. Read More

Amber Fugedi By Amber FugediMultifamily Market Insights


The Benefits of Maximizing PERQ’s Buyer Profile Feature

PERQ allows your brand the amazing opportunity to collect a copious amount of lead information from consumers who visit your store or interact with your brand via their online experience. While e-mail addresses and phone numbers are, no doubt, necessary pieces of information, they don’t tell you a whole lot about a consumer’s purchasing intentions. Ideally, you want as much information as humanly possible, so that you’re able to better cater to consumer needs. In order to do this, brands using PERQ need to embrace the power of the platform’s buyer profiles. Here are some of the benefits your brand can reap from maximizing their full potential: Read More

Amber Fugedi By Amber FugediProduct Updates

3 Useful Examples of Interactive Content

Like we mentioned recently, interactive content is quickly become a core aspect of many brand’s marketing strategies — and for very good reason! Just like the name signifies, interactive content is, well…. Interactive! The variety of types of interactive content allow consumers to directly engage with your brand in ways… Read More

Amber Fugedi By Amber FugediMultifamily Technology

people at a meeting

Is Your Messaging Cohesive? How to Know If You’re Running a Proper Multi-channel Promotion

One of the most important attributes of a proper multi-channel campaign is the presence of cohesive messaging. By presenting the same imagery and messaging across multiple channels, your brand will consistently remain top-of-mind to consumers. Essentially, cohesive messaging allows your brand to permeate a consumer’s decision-making. Cohesive messaging can help… Read More

Amber Fugedi By Amber FugediGuides & Training

mug in front of a computer

Promoting For People: Who Responds to Your Ads and Why?

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css=”.vc_custom_1521224734716{padding-bottom: 25px !important;}” z_index=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] It’s happened to all of us.  You find the perfect quote or video online.  You read or watch it several times.  You connect with it and feel that it describes how you feel perfectly.  Then you decide to… Read More

Amber Fugedi By Amber FugediApartment Marketing