The Benefits of Maximizing PERQ’s Buyer Profile Feature

PERQ allows your brand the amazing opportunity to collect a copious amount of lead information from consumers who visit your store or interact with your brand via their online experience. While e-mail addresses and phone numbers are, no doubt, necessary pieces of information, they don’t tell you a whole lot about a consumer’s purchasing intentions. Ideally, you want as much information as humanly possible, so that you’re able to better cater to consumer needs. In order to do this, brands using PERQ need to embrace the power of the platform’s buyer profiles. Here are some of the benefits your brand can reap from maximizing their full potential:

Better Introduce Yourself to New Buyers

There’s no denying that introductions can be totally awkward at times — especially if it involves trying to sell something to a prospective buyer. In general, people don’t particularly enjoy being sold to. But on the flip side, people like the thought of being offered plausible solutions to problems they currently have or might have down the line. Because PERQ’s buyer profiles provide insights into consumer wants and needs, your sales team can open up those initial discussions by leveraging specific information the consumer used in the online experience. You don’t need to know absolutely everything about your consumers, but having some knowledge about them (ex: current vehicle, test drive appointment, credit application) allows you to acknowledge their interest and therefore, offer the opportunity to discuss further.

Provide Sound Suggestions

The more you tailor those suggestions to their wants and needs, the more likely it’ll be that consumers will follow through with those suggestions.

Another benefit to fully maximizing PERQ’s buyer profiles is being able to provide suggestions that make the most sense to the consumer. As I mentioned earlier, consumers prefer plausible solutions over being sold to. The more you tailor those suggestions to their wants and needs, the more likely it’ll be that consumers will follow through with those suggestions. For example: If you find out from a consumer’s buyer profile that they were dissatisfied with all the water stains on their couch, you might suggest a couch with a different type of fabric — or perhaps with a special upholstery protector. Not only is it possible that it’s exactly the solution your consumer needed, but they appreciate the time and effort you spent with them to ensure they were satisfied… which brings us to our last point.

Nurture Ongoing Consumer Relationships

Once a buyer profile is generated, it remains in your PERQ reporting dashboard for as long as it exists. What’s really cool about having a “permanent record,” per se, of your consumers, is that the information will almost always come in handy down the road — whether it’s a month from now or 3 years from now. Even if a consumer made a purchase 2-3 years prior, the buyer profile they created will reveal their initial inquiries; some of which might be the same inquiries on their next visit to your store.

In addition to having that vital information in the buyer profiles, you also have the opportunity to add notes that highlight your ongoing communications. Your store can make notes about set appointments, do-not-call requests and about whether or not they sold a vehicle. In regards to nurturing ongoing relationships, buyer profiles are especially helpful for stores wanting to retain current customers. For example: If you’ve already sold something to a consumer (that’s in the database), 2-3 years down the line, you can call them up and ask how they still like their purchase. If not, you can once again offer viable solutions.