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Schedule a Demo

Multifamily Digital Marketing Platform

Interested in discovering how PERQ can revolutionize your multifamily marketing and help you achieve more leases with less work and cost? Schedule a personalized demo with one of our experts today!

During the demo, we’ll show you how PERQ can:

  • Reduce Advertising Costs
    Gain more highly qualified leads from free lead sources.
  • Provide Personalized Experiences
    Enhance your prospects’ journey with AI-driven solutions.
  • Increase Lead Conversion
    Get better qualified leads that convert to tours and leases.
  • Automate Tedious Tasks
    Free up your team to focus on closing leases.


Reducing cost per lease is our mission. But with ad costs on the rise and lead conversions not improving, you need better qualified leads that are managed efficiently. PERQ helps you become funnel-obsessed by bringing you more highly qualified leads from free lead sources and managing them until they’re ready for your leasing team.

More leases. Less work and cost.

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A group picture of the entire PERQ multifamily team volunteering at Gleaner's Food bank holding up a sign showing they provided 7,347 meals.